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Temperature & Heat Transfer

Important terms

Energy ability or capacity to do work, result from motion such as kinetic energy
Matter anything has mass & occupies space
Kietic energy (k) energy from motion
Calorie: amount of heat required to raise T of 1gH₂O from 14.6°C to 15.5°C (1cal = 4.186J)
kilocalorie: is 1000 calories, heat required to raise 1kgH₂O 18°C
Heat capacity: ratio of heat absorbed by substance to its corresponding T rise
                           C = Ε/ΔΤ [J/°C]
specific heat: heat capacity of a substance per unit mass, or amount of heat needed to raise the T of 1g of a substance 1°C(Ex. If heat 1g of water on a stove, it take 1cal to raise its T 1°C)
                  S = C/m = E/mΔΤ [J/g°C]
Sensible heat: the heat we can feel, “sense,” & measure with a thermometer

Important concepts

Work is done on matter if pushed, pulled, or lifted over distance

The energy within a body result of its motion, such as Potential & Kinetic energy


average of Kinetic energy or average speed of atoms & molecules (energy within body that result of its motion)
describes how warm or cold an object is
At Absolute Zero (0°K) molecules stop moving, no thermal motion, & Τ at which all molecular motion presumed to cease


ENERGY that TRANSFER from one body to another due to Differences in temperature

FLOW OF ENERGY due to Differences in T

After energy transferred it stored as internal energy

Latent Heat

energy required to change state of substance

Ex. H₂O(s) –> H₂O(l), T in these reaction stay constant & Heat is used to MELT the ice doesn’t produce a T change
Energy absorbed from environment
Sublimation: s → g
Evaporation: l → g
Melting: s → l

Energy relesed to environment
Condensation: g → l
Deposition: g → s
Freezing: l → s


Mechanics of Heat transmission

Convection: heat trensfer involve actual movement or circulation of molecules
Conduction: heat trensfer involves election & moleculer collisions from one to another
Radiation: heat trensfer via vacum of space

Ability to conduct are varies

Metals are better

Air INSULATOR (not conduct well)


Most common in atm (Only important for heating air in DIRECT contact with surface)

Thermals: circulation movement

Advection: horizontal movement


Wavelengths (λ)

Is a distance between 2 crest
All λ travel at 300,000 km/s
Radiation characterized according to λ
Increase λ –> decrease energy, & frequency
In order to Increasing Energy (decrease λ)
RW > μw > IR > VL > UV > χ-ray > γ-ray
RW: long RW > AM > TV
VL: Red>Orange>Yellow>Green>Blue>Violet

Radiation emitted by the Earth

Earth emits radiation at longer λ than the sun (Emits less Energy)
> 95% of Earth radiation λ = (2.5, 30)μm (IR) 

Laws of rediation

All objects emit radiant energy over range of λ (EVERYTHING emits energy), Unless it’s at “absolute 0” if molecules stop

Hotter objects radiate more energy in the form of short λ than cooler objects

Stephan-Boltzman Law: Hotter objects radiate more total E per unit area
Stephan‐Boltzman Law Sun is 6000°K (10,000°F) & Earth 289°K (59°F) Sun 160,000 times more energy than Earth


such as Sun & Earth

Earth’s radiative equilibrium T = 255°k = -18°C = 0°F

Why isn’t this average surface T? atm IS NOT black body (Gases selective absorbers, absorb, & emit IR)

Greenhouse Effect

Gases are most effective absorbers of radiation & play primary role in heating atm

1. H₂O, O₂, O₃ absorb most of energy in atm
2. CO₂ is important at long λ (IR)
3. “Openings” are atmospherec windows
الغلاف الجوي شبه شفاف للاطوال الموجية القصيرة، ويمتص الاطوال الموجية الطويلة

Atmosphere warms planet

H₂O, CO₂ (called selective absorber) absorb outgoing IR & absorbed energy heating the air


The Earth’s average T = 33°C = 59°F

GHG “villain” in Global Warming Debate

GH Effect & Global Warming NOT same thing

Without GH Earth would be uninhabitable!

Human activity may be making atm more efficient at retaining long wave emissions from the Earth

Reflected & Scattered

What Happens to Incoming Radiation?

Absorbed, Transmitted, Reflected, Scattered
50٪ من اشعة الشمس يتم امتصاصها بواسطة الارض والمحيطات و 20٪ يتم امتصاصها بواسطة الغلاف الجوي والسحاب و 30٪ ترتد مجددا لخارج الارض بواسطة الارض والمحيطات والغلاف الجوي والسحاب
Scattering of white light by air molecules that tend to selectively scatter
shorter λ (violet, green, blue) are more effectively than longer λ (orange, yellow, red)


produces large number of weaker rays

Air molecules tend to selectively scatter

Blue Skies, Red Suns, & White Clouds duo to scattering
Blue Skies
air molecules selectively scatter the SW of VL “green, violet, & blue” more effectively than the LW “red, orange, & yellow” When SW reach our eyes, the brain processes them as blue. So blue light strikes our eyes from all directions, making the sky appear blue
Red Suns
At noon, the sun is perceived as white because all VL strike our eyes, & At sunrise & sunset, the white light pass via a thick portion of atm. Scattering of light by air removes the SW (blue) from the beam, leaving the LW, This situation often creates the image of a ruddy sun at sunrise & sunset
White Clouds
Cloud droplets are much larger than air & don’t selectively scatter sunlight. these larger droplets scatter all VL more or less equally, & appear white due to million of cloud droplets scatter all VL about equally in all directions.


bounces off at same angle & intensity

Reflection & Albedo: Energy is returned to space via reflection & emission

ALBEDO: percentage reflected (30%)
        5% from land & ocean
        25% from clouds & ice

Clouds absorbers IR radiation & effect of heating the earth depends on type of cloud

The effect of heating depends on type of cloud
1. Thick cloud absorbs the most of outgoing IR, & re-radiating it back to the surface (Warm cloudy nights)
2. High Thin Clouds Tend to WARM the surface by transmit incoming SW & Absorb outgoing LW & re-emit it back down
3. Low Thick Clouds Tend to COOL the surface by block incoming SW, have high albedo so reflect SW back to space

On average: clouds Cool the Earth

Note. SW = Short Wave, LW = long wave
Types of clouds

T decrease in troposphere, Why

Surface warms the traposphere (The atm is HEATED from the GROUND UP)

Whether specific clouds will warm or cool surface depends on

1. time of day
2. Cloud’s thickness & height above surface
3. Surface with Liquid, dry Land, or ice
Surface without ice absorb 80-90% & reflect 10% (water surface) to 20% (land surface)

Surface with ice absorb 10-15%, reflect 85-90% of radiation

Earth’s average T constant due to

balance of incoming & outgoing radiation (black body)

Seasons-Regulated by

amount of solar energy received by surface
Heat transfer & balance in the atm

Why don’t tropics keep getting hotter & poles colder?

Movement of atm & oceans transfer energy from the equator to the poles

energy imbalance (unequal heat) drives ocean currents & winds (Weather)

Earth-Sun Relationships

Magnetic Field
The stream of charged particles (solar wind) distorts magnetic field into a teardrop shape called MAGNETOSPHERE
When an excited atoms, ions, or molecules deexcites, can emit VL (Visible light)
electrons in its normal orbit transfer into higher energy level & When returns to its normal orbit, emits photon

The End


Temperature & Heat Transfer

Seasonal & Daily Temperatures

Humidity, Condensation, Clouds


Stability & Cloud Development


Pressure & Winds


Winds : Global System

Air Masses & Front




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