Stratigraphy & Historical Geology

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Stratigraphy & Historical Geology

Important concepts

Stratigraphy: the study of stratified rocks, their nature, occurrence, classification, & relationships to each other

Historical Geology: the study of the history of the earth

Historical Geology includes stratigraphy
History of The Relative Geologic Time scale

How geologic mapping in Europe led to the relative time scale

1. by the principle of superposition
2. by the principle of fossil correlation
Standard Geologic Column as conceived
Based on the Neptunism theory
Present level → Alluvial rocks or Tertiary
3rd level → Secondary rocks
2nd level → Transition rocks
1st level →Primitive or Primary rocks

After publication of Smith’s & Cuvier’s geological maps in the 1800s, the case was:

Wernerian Chronology continued to used
استمر استخدام التسلسل الزمني
Local names of strata became more numerous
اصبحت الاسماء المحلية للطبقات اكثر عددا
Naming of distinctive rock bodies was a natural by product of mining & mapping
كانت تسمية الاجسام الصخرية المميزة امرا طبيعيا بالتعدين والخرائط
Names developed as shorthand & reflected geographic localities or rock types
تم تطوير الاسماء بطريقة مختصرة وتعكس هذه الاسماء المواقع الجغرافية وانواع الصخور
these names was extended more widely as a result of the lateral continuity
تم تعميم هذه الاسماء على نطاق اوسع
At the same time fossils were being collected & widely separated strata were correlated
بنفس الوقت جُمعت الاحافير، وربُط طبقات منفصلة بالمقارنة
The result Geological map of all western Europe gradually developed
النتيجة: تطورت الخريطة الجيولوجية لاوروبا الغربية تدريجيا


A group of secondary strata (named for the Jura mountains of France & Switzerland)

When superposition principle applied, the Jura were found to overlie another group:
1. Trias in Germany
2. Cretaceous in France 
3. Carboniferous coal-bearing strata, Britian

in 1829 the name Quaternary was proposed to include the young deposits

This scheme displaced the older Wernerian scheme

Modern Relative Time Scale

In 1835 Sedgwick & Murchison named
1. Cambrian (roman name of Wales)
2. Silurian (for an ancient welsh tribe)
3. Devonian: Based on the correlations & fossils content they defined the relative age of Devonshire strata (between Silurian & Carboniferous)

Sedgwick proposed a large division which include smaller subdivisions (such as Paleozoic Era)
Mesozoic & Cenozoic Eras named Based on relative percentages of living species
The Permian Period was named next
 Relations of the non-marine Old Red Sandstone facies of Wales to marine

Devonian facies of Devonshire
Inter-tonguing of marine & non-marine deposits proved the Devonian age of the Old Red Sandstone
These facies also proved that different environments of deposition existd

abstract geological time & rock record

There is a clear distinctions between the abstract geological time & rock record by: time is continuous, but rock record is riddled with unconformities of varying magnitude

So what we known of history must be gleaned from the imperfect rock record

If elsewhere a more complete sequence of Cambrian rocks were found with fewer & smaller unconformities & more fossils, it might provide a better world standard of reference than does that of Wales, Thus, what we have are time & rock divisions
The most generally accepted stratigraphic classification scheme

The Formation

Important stratigraphical terms

Arranged from the largest to smallest
Group: rock unit consisting of more than one formations that are next to each other in a succession & related to each other
Formation: distinctive series of strata that originated through same formative processes, is the most basic local units of stratigrphy
Member: a part of a formation
Bed or strata: sedimentary rocks layer that is marked off above & bellow by surfaces that can be seen & made up of material that is the same in all parts
Lamina: thin layer (<10mm) in sedimentary, separated from material above & bellow it

Formation must be

distinctive in appearance in order to be easily recognizable

named for type locality where they normally displayed in well-exposed type section

Characteristics chosen to define a formation include one or more of the following (Lithology)

1. Composition of mineral grains
2. Color
3. Textural properties (Ex. size of grain)
4. Thickness & geometry of stratification
5. Character of any organic remains
6. Outcrop character

– Formation include > one stratum
– Group contains > one Formations

Problems arise when a new formation defined

1. The name
2. The type section
3. Designation of lower & upper limits
4. formations might vary in sediment type, or lithology, laterally or vertically, depending on deposit environments

formations might vary

The stratigraphic divisions being named in Europe were universally present & of the same age worldwide

In another word as long the geologist found the same fossils in different & far stratified rocks they assigned the same age for both of them (Ex. the Cambrian strata in Wales)

This mean that Geologist thought that any named formation should laterally extend without change

This principle was the cornerstone of Werner’s time scale

In 1789 French writings show that: similarity of fossils in similar sedimentary rocks might reflect environmental factors rather than strict age equivalence

the sedimentary products of each environment have aunique characteristics, even though they accumulate at the same time & grade gradually into one another

The result in other words is: formations might vary in sediment type, or lithology, laterally as well as vertically

The last result was supported by sedgwick & Murchison in the 1830s

sedgwick & Murchison determined that the dominantly non- marine deposits of the Old Red sandstone of Wales are Synchronous with marine Devonian deposits farther south based on the intertonguing interpretation

inter-tonguing: 2 different lithologies can grade laterally into one another in complex manner
Depositional Environment & Sedimentary Facies The lateral changes of lithology & fossils contents brings the sedimentary facies concept after a well-exposed example of lateral changes of both lithology & fossils was described in 1883 in Switzerland 

Sedimentary Facies

characters of a sedimentary rock, especially those that indicate the deposition environment
– Facies identified by their dominant lithology
– the study of sediments & organisms in modern environments provides important clues for understanding ancient facies, Because the facies concept relates sediments to their depositional environments

The sedimentary environment

The conditions under sediment deposited
– affect texture, composition, & structure of sediments
– for example
1. The depth & temperature of the water
2. The strength & direction of the currents
Facies identified by dominant lithology
Ex. sand & mud facies
Coarser sediments occur in strongly agitated, near shore environments.

Bottom-dwelling organisms in the different environments differ considerably.

The upper surface of the diagram is a map of modern bottom-sediment types showing lateral variations only at a moment in time.

Sides are cross sections showing facies relationships through time.
The ripple marks forming in modern environment
Straight, sharp, symmetrical ripple crests are typical of those formed by waves in shallow water
Mountain building disturbed the NW margin of Europe during the Silurian & Devonian time, whereas the region to the SE remained more stable

This is reflected by:
1. More & greater unconformities in W
2. Coarse & thick non-marine sediments in W
3. Finer & more marine deposits in E
4. Erosion of the Caledonian Mountains shed immense volumes of coarse debris eastward, greatest thicknesses are nearest mountains
The longest gap due to erosion also is nearest the mountains
uplift of the mountains was spasmodic, for a major unconformity divides the Old Red Sandstone at the left & of the section

Preservation of large volumes of most strata requires one or both of following conditions

Subsidence of earth crust during deposition

a rise of sea level

2 types of facies patterns

1. Transgressive facies pattern
2. Regressive facies pattern


the advance of the sea over the land
reflect shrinkage of land area
– preceded by an erosional unconformity
– show landward shift of facies via time
– tend to become finer upward at any one geographic locality
caused a continuous shift of environments & their sedimentary & biological products landward
the submergence is due to both worldwide rise of sea level & local land subsidence


retreat of the sea from land area, it has the opposite effects than of Transgression
– reflect enlargement of land area
– followed by an erosional unconformity
– show seaward shift of facies through time
– tend to become coarser upward at any locality
results from
1. relative fall of sea level
2. rise of land level

Walther’s law

Vertical progression of facies will be the same as corresponding lateral facies changes

result of this fact Environments shifts position through geologic time & the respective sedimentary facies of adjacent environments succeed one another in vertical sequences

1. in TFP, just as the sequence becomes finer upward, the finer facies also spreads laterally in the direction of transgression
2. just as a regressive sequence becomes coarser upward, coarser facies also spreads laterally in the direction of regression

Local Versus Worldwide

Sea level changes may result from:
1. fluctuating continental glaciation
2. large-scale warping of deep ocean basins

– such as Netherlands & California
Netherlands Low & flat land, would be covered with water or drained very widely by only a slight relative change of sea level, whereas a bold coastline such as that of California would be little affected

Rapid Sedimentation

Very rapid sedimentation result from:
1. uplift of a distant inland area
2. climatic change that accelerates erosion

The above factors cause
1. local seaward retreat of shoreline independent of structural warping of crust
2. worldwide changes of sea level
the delta of Tigris-Euphrates which a retreat of the northern shore of the Gulf of Arabia from the land toward the gulf as much as 175km in the past 3000yr even as sea level has risen about 4m worldwide
Biostratigraphic Concepts

Fossil zone

An interval of strata characterized by a distinctive index fossil

Close attention must be paid to overlapping stratigraphic ranges of index fossils

Both range & abundance of a single species vary from place to place

Environmental changes may have been more rapid than evolutionary ones

Lithologic formation boundaries need not have any relationship to the biostratigraphic boundaries of fossil zones
The Lingula in the sand facies evolved very slowly, it is a poor index fossil, it migrated with the sandy environment without any biological change after millions of years

Cephalopods are swimming forms found in the muddy facies. They evolved rapidly, therefore, their species are admirable index fossils for times 1,2 & 3

Facies fossils

fossil type which restricted to lithology

Bottom dwelling organisms tend to be restricted to one facies, so they aren’t recommended as index fossils for facies correlation
The best index fossil for facies are those that lived independent of bottom environment where sediments form, they should be floating or swimming organisms
Fossil zone B represents the ideal case of an index fossil that occurs in 2 different facies

Many facies-dependent fossils are useful environmental indicators for the sediments in which they occur

Formation 3 is synchronous everywhere, 1 & 2 vary in age due to lateral facies changes
Un conformities

Un conformities

Traced & mapped to established their physical continuity

Studied from the standpoint of age such as unconformity surface varies in age from place to place

The total time interval represented by the discontinuity may vary greatly

An unconformity may even disappear laterally into a continuous, unbroken, or conformable sequence of strata, this means unconformities show lateral & vertical differences as important as of rock units

Types of Unconformities

Angular unconformity: there is angle of discordance between older& younger strata
– This type shows that severe deformation occurred before unconformity was buried

Disconformity: no discordance between strata below & above discontinuity surface

Nonconformity: when the underlying rocks are igneous or metamorphic

Unconformity-Bounded Sequences

new way of studying stratigraphic record & formed additional type of stratigraphic division
– suggested by Sloss In the 1950
6 major unconformities clearly punctuate the phanerozoic record in very meaningful way

From the unconformities a worldwide sea level fluctuation curve for the past 600 m.ys has been inferred

Additional Relative Time Scales

Index fossils aren’t only things that provide worldwide, synchronous punctuations of the rock record with potential for correlating & subdividing that record

There are some alternatives that provides relative-age scales with special applications:
1.The sequence unconformities which reflect the global sea- level changes
2. Worldwide magnetic polarity reversals
3. Chemical analyses for rare or trace elements & isotopes in sedimentary rocks also provide potential for relative geochemical time scales

The End

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