Ch₁₁: The Later Ordovician

The Later Ordovician

The Ordovician Life

cover the time from 490-442MY ago (460-442)

In this period an explosive radiation of the Paleozoic had been take place, so Ordovician marine life was dramatically different from that of the Cambrian

the difference between Ordovician & Cambrian:
1. diversity: Only 150 families of animals are known from Cambrian, but by the Late Ordovician there were > 400 families
2. diversity is consequence of much greater ecological complexity: The simple Cambrian food chain of deposit-feeding trilobites & a few suspension feeders was replaced by a complex food chain
3. Ecological tiering increased: In Cambrian only few sponges & archaeocyathids protruded more than a few centimeters above the bottom, & in Ordovician several types of organisms reached half a meter or more above the sea floor
Another feature of Ordovician ecosystem was the increase in tiering, or multiple feeding levels above & bellow the sea floor

Cambrian: most invertebrates few cm above sea floor or were very shallow burrowers

Ordovician: crinoids & branching bryozoan began to take advantage of food-bearing currents up to 3m above sea floor

Ordovician life showed a much higher level of ecological complexity than any previous time in geologic history

Primary producers (algae) grazed by snails

Microscopic plankton fed upon by a wide array of filter feeders

Trilobites scavenged detritus on bottom

The top predators were the giant straight- shelled nautiloids, when they died, nutrients were recycled back into the food chain by bacterial decay

The most common fossils In Ordovician

1. Articulate brachiopods
2. Bryozoans
3. Crinoids
4. Coral reefs
5. Nautiloides
6. Snails or gastropods
7. Graptolites

Articulate brachiopods

it differ from the inarticulate brachiopods which dominate the Cambrian by:
1. Articulate brachiopods had teeth & sockets in their hinge area to keep the shells better connected, in inarticulate the shells held together by muscles only
2. Articulate shells formed from CaCO₃, while phospate used by inarticulate.

2 groups of Articulate are characterized the Ordovician:
1. Orthids
2. Strophomenids


colonial animals that form coral-like skeleton with thousands of tiny holes.

Each of these pinhole-sized chambers houses a tiny filter-feeding animal


are echinoderms related to sea stars.

Cambrian stalked echinoderms were primitive animals known as eocrinoids, in Ordovician, they were replaced by the major groups of crinoids typical of rest Paleozoic
bryozoan Prasopora
The delicate, branching bryozoan Hallopora

Coral reefs

in the Cambrian, archaeocythids & sponges formed reef like mounds, but these mounds were never as large or diverse as coral reef

In the Late Ordovician, 2 groups of corals became the dominant reef builder:
1. The rugosids or ‘horn corals’
2. The tabulates or ‘honeycomb corals’
Rugosid coral Streptelasma
Tabulate coral Favosites


the large Ordovician predator

about 10m in length, while the largest predator in the Cambrian was 45cm long

By the Early Ordovician nautiolides were abundant worldwide, so the Cambrian Trilobite must have Been a favorite prey item, Therefore the trilobite are much less common in the Ordovician than Cambrian

Snails or gastropods

evolved from the Cambrian Molluscus

Coiled in 2 ways:
1. Plane coiling
2. spiral coiling along axis


their name means ‘written on stone’

in recent years, these animals have been found preserved in 3D in limestone
The late Cambrian graptolites were bushy, branched structures that apparently attached to a hard surface, but Ordovician graptolites were reduced to a few branches & floated on the open ocean

Graptolites was worldwide distributed & evolved rapidly, that why they are the best index fossils in the Ordovician time

Great Radiation

the Ordovician marked a great radiation of many groups of animals

radiation increased the diversity & the ecological complexity of shallow-marine communities

What is causes of great Ordovician radiation which established the Paleozoic fauna?
The late Cambrian & Ordovician marked the highest sea levels up to that point (the Ordovician time), This mean, continents was almost completely flooded, forming a large area of shallow seas in which marine life could diversify

O₂ levels increased in the Vendian, Cambrian, & several evidences, & finally reached modern levels (20%) in Ordovician

Ordovician Extinctions

The end of the Ordovician marked one of the most great mass extinction episodes in the history of life

> 100 families of marine animals did not make it into the Silurian

> half the species of brachiopods & bryozoans died out

The Crinoid, stromatoporoid, tabulate, rugosid, receptaculitid reef community was decimated & did not recover until late in the Silurian Period

Nautiloids were also decimated, & trilobites declined even further

Most striking fact about these extinctions:
1. The extinctions were concentrated in tropical groups
2. The survivors & replacements were adapted either to deep waters or to cold waters from high latitudes

Based on the last striking facts, the Ordovician extinctions May resulted from a severe cooling event in the world ocean in the Ordovician, this cause was deduced from the major glaciation of the southern Gondwana super continent, centered in N-Africa

Cooled climate enable only cold-adapted
invertebrates could survive to repopulate sea floor in the Silurian

Stratigraphy of the Pre Cambrian & Paleozoic in Jordan

The Pre Cambrian Rocks:
Exposed in small area from Jordan, in:
1. Aqaba
2. the eastern rim of Wadi Araba
3. Wadi Rum
4. al Queira area

These rocks are represented by:
1. Igneous rocks: granite, granodiorite, quartz diorite, hornblendite, basic dykes, & acidic dykes
2. Metamorphic rocks: gneiss, schist, & Sarmuj conglomerates

The most northern exposure of these rocks near the southern end of the dead Sea, (wadi Abu Burqa)

The Paleozoic rock exposures in Jordan

The Paleozoic rocks are failed in 2 Groups:
1. Ram Group: subdivided into 6 Formations
2. Khreim Group: subdivided into 4

Ram Group
  1. Salib Akosic Sandstone formation
  2. Burj Dolomite-Shale formation
  3. Abu Khusheiba Sandstone formation
4. Umm Ishrin Sandstone formation
5. Disi Sandstone formation
6. Umm Sahm Sandstone formation

Khreim Group
1. Hiswah Sandstone formation
2. Dubaydib Sandstone formation
3. Mudawara Sandstone formation
4. Khushsha Sandstone formation
Time line of Cambrian & Ordovician events

The End

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