Chapter Nine

Online Quiz

Wind : Mesoscale

Part1: Scales of Atmospheric Motion

3 Scales of Atmospheric Motion


Whirl of air, Come in different sizes

Small volume of air behaves differently from the large flow in which it resides

Eddies are down wind from the obstacle

Caused by encountering an obstacle
In stable air wind produce
small eddies & little vertical Mixing
In unstable air wind produce
large eddies & high vertical Mixing that produce strong & gusty surface wind
Formation of clear air turbulence along a boundary of increasing wind speed shear

Part2: Mesoscale

Local Winds (Mesoscale)

Caused by topographic effects or variations in local surface composition

1. Land & Sea Breezes
2. Valley & Mountain Breezes
3. Chinook Winds (Foehn Winds)
4. Katabatic Winds (Fall Winds)
5. Santa Ana Winds
6. Haboobs Winds (Desert Winds)
7. Dust Devils
8. Country Breezes
Land and Sea Breezes
Country Breezes
Associated with large urban areas that are warmer than the rural (country)
City is warmer (urban heat island effect)
The wind is light & blows from rural areas toward the cities
See most often on clear, calm nights



Seasonal change in global circulation
Refers to Seasonal reversal of wind direction

Caused by Alternation between 2 weather patters

Doesn’t mean rainy season
Winter Monsoon
Winds blow off the continents (dry air)
Summer Monsoon
Wind move from the sea to land (moist air)

The End

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