Category Archives: STRATIGRAPHY

Mountain Building & Drifting Continents

Oline Quiz parts 1 & 2

Online Quiz part 3

Mountain Building & Drifting Continents

Part.1: Mountains Building

The origin of continents Theories

The birth of the moon: The Pacific ocean is a scar from which the moon was torn

Catastrophic events: continental crust broken & redistributed by Catastrophic events

The expanding theory: the earth was expanded to double its original size, & the ocean basins formed as cracks between the ruptured continents

Continental drift: Parallelism of outlines of the opposing coasts of the S-Atlantic was observed & In 1859, the first map fitting S-America against Africa was published → the concept of large-scale rearrangement of continents, or Continental drift

A geosyncline

elongate belt of thick strata that linked closely with the formation of mountains

It shows tightly compressed folds

low angle overthrust faults

Most contain granitic batholiths & regionally metamorphosed rocks

Developed within structurally unstable orogenic belts located between stable regions, such as:
  – Modern oceanic island arc-trenches
  – Volcanic arcs, especially in midoceans

The Geosynclinal Concept

Hall’s Theory
1. Thick sedimentation along the edge of the continent depressed the crust as deposition occurred
2. Down bending crust stretched & faulted
3. Overlying sediments compressed & folded
4. Last result that a topographic mountains were raised at the surface

Dana’s theory
1. Bending of crust as the interior cooled & shrinkage
2. Bending was concentrated at continental margins where erosion of upraised genaticline provided sediment to an adjacent geosyncline
3. Finally, crust failed, mountains raised, & the geosyncline was welded to the continent
Repetition of this process caused growth of the continent through mountain building

Until now, mountain belts are primarily the results of profound (deep) lateral compression across relatively narrow zones
In 1857, Hall noted that, in the Appalachian mountains the strata of the Paleozoic Systems aren’t only more deformed but are also ten times thicker than are their counterparts in the Mississippi Valley
Dana reject Hall’s explanation of the great subsidence by sediment-loading alone because less dense sediments could not depress more dense crust nearly so much as was required by the great thickness of strata

type of forces required to Mountain Building

1. A cooling & Shrinkage of Earth
2. Continental Drift
3. Thermal Convection

A cooling & Shrinkage Earth

proposed by Dana

The earth cooling from a molten origin, so
1. The earth must be contracting
2. cold, & rigid crust must be bend or ruptur as interior shrinks

The most of the compressive adjustment of the crust would occur at the boundaries between continents & ocean basins, exactly where N-American mountains occur now

Thermal Convection

Proposed by A. Holmes

Mechanism: If more heat generated in one portion of deep mantel due to irregular distributions of isotopes

1. This material plastic flow upward, & cool
– ruptured the crust

2. then flow laterally beneath the lithosphere
– drag the crust along conveyor belt fashion

3. as it cool the mantle below, it sink (move downward)
– buckle up to form mountains
Thermal Convection
1. convection begins to stretch an overlying continental block
2. block ruptures & 2 fragments move apart

Continental Drift

Taylor suggested that Drifting continents had caused wrinkling of the crust to produce Cenozoic mountain systems

1. The leading edges of the moving continents depressed the oceanic crust a head to form troughs in which sediments could accumulate
2. Further movement then compressed & up-heaved those strata to produce the present mountains rimming the Pacific

The catastrophic tidal action as a force source was rejected

Up-heaval of the Alpine-Himalayan resulted  by the direct collision of continents
Formation of Cenozoic mountains by continental drifting
The first detailed reconstruction of the continents was by Baker, who proposed that  a single, huge landmass or Supercontinent split suddenly to form the present Artic & Atlantic oceans at the Miocene time

Baker, speculated severe tidal distortion that a large portion of the continental crust was torn from the Pacific to form the moon, with the remaining continental crust rupturing & slipping toward the Pacific void (Place)

This source of force was rejected because:
1. No record in Cenozoic strata of a catastrophic of such magnitude.
2. The last major displacements of continents began in early Mesozoic time
Wagener introduced first complete & influential statement of the drift theory

Drifting apart of continents occurred over a long period during Mesozoic & Cenozoic Eras

He was the first who attempted to reconstructed the former supper continent by fitting edges of continental shelves rather than present coastlines
Besides parallelism of continental margins
Wagener appealed to apparent paleoclimatic indicators in late Paleozoic rocks, including glacial, desert, & tropical rain forest deposits, to reconstruct Permian climatic zones

Du Toit support Wegener with many fossils, found now in widely separated continents

Wegner reconstruct the Permian continents & Paleo-climate zones

Part.2 : Paleomagnetism

Paleomagnetism-Drift’s Renaissance

Young lavas should show magnetization parallel to that of the earth’s present field

The magnetic minerals retain their fossil, or magnetism unless heated above the demagnetization temperature (500ºC)

many rocks, containe these minerals today retain evidence of orientation of magnetic field when & where they were formed
The declination angle is relative to present N & measured in a horizontal plane, it provides an indication of paleo-longitude

The inclination θ is relative to the horizontal surface provides evidence for paleo-latitude
-Steep inclination→formation at high latitude
– very low θ indicates location near equator
relationship of the magnetic field to remanent magnetism in rocks

Present earth showing magnetically susceptible mineral orientations in modern rocks on 3 continents

The positions of fossil magnets in rocks of the same age on each continent, Each discordant with the field at its present position

Their pre-drift positions found by rotating each to a paleolatitude that is concordant with the magnetic field continent Y & Z may have been part of single super continent before they drifted to their present positions
Different positions of N America relative to the equator from Cambrain

the progressive counterclockwise rotation & northward shift through time

Part.3 : Sea Floor

General Nature of the Sea Floor

Before 1960s, geologists assumed that the crust beneath ocean basins was:
1. very old
2. topographically feature less
3. structurally tranquil
4. essentially fixed in place
– All assumptions appear to be incorrect

Profiles established by reflection of low-frequency waves from shown that:
1. Ocean floor not smooth & characterized by ridges, deep trenches, & sea mountains
2. rugged & younger than continental crust

Oceanic Ridges

Oceanic ridges: zones of extension along which the crust is being to torn open
– scars of a pre-drift configuration of crust
made mainly of basaltic lavas
Show a high volcanic activity
display shallow seismicity beneath axes
characterized by greater than average heat flow through the crust along their axes
– had a narrow depressions that extends along their axis for thousands of kilometers

Submarine ridges: The most striking features of ocean floor (Atlantic & Indian)

Rift: any branch in ridge (Ridge patterns may be complicated by branching)

Triple Junction: juncture of 3 separate rifts
The East African rift system
part of Carlsberg Ridge of the Indian Ocean

Afar Triangle is a triple-junction intersection of Red Sea, Aden, & east African rifts

It is probably the surface expression of a hot mantle plume

Such a system of diverging rifts initiates new continental drifting episodes

Dots indicate young volcanoes

sea-floor spreading hypothesis

Proposed by Hess

2 opposing convection cells rising beneath ocean ridges cause the abnormal heat flow & produce tension in crust

convective flow laterally away from ridge axes causing the spreading of sea floors

Examples/application for Hess hypothesis:
1. Atlantic & Indian Oceans
2. E-Africa & Arabia experiencing the beginning of new phase of disruption in response to the shift of mantle convection
3. Spreading along the extension of W-Indian Ocean tore open the Aden rift in crust

Mechanism by which rising hot mantle plumes drive rifting & continental drifting

1. Continents situated over mantle (hot spot)
2. Uplift or flat continental plate form triple junction with 3 cracks, & igneous dikes
3. As 3 cracks get wider, 2 arms open up to form ocean basin & third (failed) arm becomes sediment-filled trough (Aulacogen)

Aulacogen is a trough formed by a rift that has failed to develop
– Ex. southward-trending East African rift

E-African rifts are tectonically active, they have not opened up as has Red Sea-Aden system, because They have continental crust beneath rather than oceanic

The Aulacogens have a special important
1. Many great rivers flow down it
2. Important petroleum resources
3. Ore deposits formed where hot solutions rise along the faults bordering the troughs

Confirmation of Sea-Floor spreading

Wilson proposed that oceanic islands symmetrically distributed as to relative age outward from ridges: youngest islands near the axes of ridges, & oldest away

Sea-floor Spreading was confirmed by magnetic Anomalies

anomalies strips show 2 striking features
1. Parallel closely the ridge axis
2. Have bilateral symmetry (mirror plane)

anomalies reflect successive reversal of polarity of the magnetic field while the sea floor was spreading away from the ridges
Age of the oceanic crust based on magnetic anomalies & deep-sea drilling
Anomaly map showing alternating black (high magnetic intensity) & tan (low) bands for oceanic crust
Oceanic crust magnetic anomalies plotted as profiles of measured magnetic intensity
Major lithosphere plates defined by the zones of active seismicity
Arrows summarize directions of plate motion, which confirm the hypothesis of sea-floor spreading by showing:
1. divergence or extension from ocean ridges
2. convergence or compression at volcanic arc-trench (subduction) zones

Plate Collisions

Erosion able to reduce continents to sea level in a mere 10Ma, the persistence of continents requires some rejuvenation mechanism

Isostasy equilibrium among the larger units of the crust according to their total mass
1. thinner, denser units (ocean) stand lower
2. thicker, less dense (continents, mountains) stand higher

Crust sink if load of sediment or ice added
Crust rise if rock were removed by erosion
A. Relationship of rate & angle of subduction
Faster subduction → law angle
B. Obduction of overthrusting of slab of oceanic over continental crust
continent collision resulte from shrinkage of intervening ocean as subduction proceeds
Collage tectonics resulting from multiple collisions: an arc-continent collision resulted from shrinkage of an intervening ocean by subduction at both of its margins followed by collision of a microcontinents

Symbols Used
S: collision suture
A: volcanic arc
M: microcontinent

Sedimentary basins

Areas of thick sediments vary in:
1. size
2. shape
3. tectonic setting

Sedimentary basins include
1. trench, forearc, & foreland
3. intracratonic, & passive margin
4. rift or aulacogen basins

Accumulation of thick sediments require one or both of the following
1. sea level rose
2. underlying lithosphere subsided during deposition

The sea level variation can not explain the presence of thick sediments, so they are indirectly related to plate tectonics

Causes of Subsidence

1. Subduction subsidance
2. Thermal or cooling subsidence
3. Crustal-thinning subsidence
4. Sediment-loading subsidence
5. Thrust loading

Subduction subsidance: caused by the profound forcible depression of one lithosphere plate as it is subducted beneath another

Thermal or cooling subsidence: caused by the cooling of a lithosphere plate as it moves away from a hot, spreading ridge

Crustal-thinning subsidence: can provide space for thick sediment accumulation as a result of isostatic subsidence of any crust that has been thinned

Sediment-loading subsidence: This type of loading is limited by the initial depth of water & ratio of densities of the loading material & of the crust & mantle beneath

Thrust loading: occurs when a collision of 2 lithosphere plates happened, so over- thrusting of thick slabs of rock onto the edge of a craton formed.

Thick sediment can accumulate in the foreland sedimentary basin formed by the resulting isostatic subsidence

The End

The Origin & Early Evolution of the earth

Online Quiz

The Origin and Early Evolution of the earth

Distribution of the elements

Only ¼ of 100 known elements are common

> 95% of the universe being composed of only the 2 lightest elements (H & He)

15-20 elements can be called constituents of the earth, & some aren’t very conspicuous

major elements in solid earth & meteorites: H, C, N, neon Ne, & argon Ar

Helium (He) is almost totally missing from the earth because it has been lost to space

why is there any H (lighter than He!)? Because much of the earth‘s original H combining with O to make relatively heavy water molecules

The abundance of water is the most unique chemical characteristic of the earth

Probable Origin of the Earth

1. Buffon hypothesis gravitational pull of passing comets had torn away hot masses from sun, then cooled to form planets
– rejected because:
   So many near collisions are improbable
   Comets have very week gravity fields

2. Solar nebula condensation of the planets from a hot, gaseous cloud (surrounding the sun) rather than their being derived from the sun itself

3. aggregation of cold clouds of dust & gases after 1900, the internal heating of the earth occurred after its aggregation, The energy produced by such heating continues to disturb the earth, as evidenced by earthquakes, volcanoes, & mountains

4. Planetesimal hypothesis: first important suggestion of a cold origin of the planets, close passage of another star past our sun, The pull of intruder‘s gravity field extracted solar gaseous material, which first condensed in space to form small, & solid bodies (planetesimals) & Then number of these cold asteroid-like aggregated to form planets

In the mid-20th century, von Weizacker & Kuiper modified the planetesimal concept they tried to explain the simultaneous origin of the entire solar system in a unified nebular hypothesis

nebular hypothesis

Stages in Planetary Evolution
1. Planetesimal: small bodies from dust &gas
2.Protoplanets 9-10 formed by planetesimals
3. Planet formed by combining protoplanets swept up by gravitational attraction

Heat & Composition distribution

Temperatures refer to conditions at initial condensation
– estimated from physical chemical theory applied to the mineral phases
– observed in meteorites
The earth’s interior
The density & T increases with depth
Crust → solid & Cold,7-70Km
Mantle → lower 2900-660Km,upper 660-410
outer core → liquid, 5150-2900Km
Innre core → solid & very hot, 6270-5150Km
Note. discontinuity at core-mantle boundary
Divisions of the Earth’s interior
relation of the upper mantle to subduction zone, midocean ridge, & the region where basaltic magma forms
Structure of upper 300km of Earth

The moho (M) was previously taken to be the boundary between the crust & upper mantle, It is basically a seismic anomaly

The zones shown here are based on analysis of seismic velocities from earthquakes
Differentiation of chemical Elements in Earth
Present distribution of major elements & U, Th, He, Ar in atm, crust, & seawater
(abundanece are decreasing from left to right)


atm Stratification & Important Types
of Radiation & Radiation Shields
density stratification with regard to the gases (lightest farthest & heaviest closer to surface)
vertical scale is logarithmic
Evolution of Earth’s atm from Hadean
1. changes from Stage I to II, the evolution of (N), & virtual disappearance of H & CH₄, 4.5Ga
2. The change from II to III was rise in O (due to evolution of photosynthetic algae), 4.5-3Ga
presence of the noble gases (Ar, Ne, He, Kr) Most likely from the degassing upper mantle which continues to today
The Global Chemostat
This diagram shows the important flows for O, & C though not reduced C, & Other elements (N, P, S, Na, Ca, K) follow similar cycles
Chemostat: hold chemistry constant or change slowly)
Start analyzing cycle with the algae (as prime movers)
The global thermostat
Shallow water is heated by the sun to form the Earth’s most important heat reservoir

The photic zone above the thermocline is the habitat of algae & phytoplankton

Below thermocline water cooler, less agitated so less oxygenated, & These waters may even become stagnant & reducing

When they do they constitute the first step in the preservation of organic matter, which eventually leads to gas & oil deposits

The End

The Numerical Dating of the Earth

Online Quiz

The Numerical Dating of the Earth

Dating of the Earth

Early Attempts to Date the earth

Scriptures: the earth was about 6000yr old

Buffon in 1760: the earth was 75,000yr old

based on the uniformity doctrine, Hutton, Lyell thought that the earth must be far older than the above dates

C. Darwin in 1859 needs millions of years before the appearance of human beings based in his evolution theory

In 19th century, a British geologist estimated that all the time since the beginning of the Cambrian ≈ 75 MY, He based his conclusion upon the max. known thickness of strata of that age span multiplied by an assumed average rate of sedimentation (derived from study of modern depositional rates)

In 1899 Joly used the accumulation rate of salt in the sea, he found that it would taken 100MY to develop the present salinity

All the above attempts at assessing the age of the earth in terms of numerical time were based upon shaky assumptions, just all of them showed an evolution of thought in one direction, toward older & older estimates

In middle of 19th century, most geologists thought that the earth date is several hundred MY but they had no numerical method to prove that

Kelvin’s Dating

Deep mines showed that Temperature increase with depth, this leads to one fact that the earth losing heat from its interior

The heat lose could be a result of:
1. It cooling after an initial, very hot stage
2. It contains internal source of heat energy

Lyell appealed to chemical reactions in the interior to produce heat in an endless cycle, allowing for a steady-state earth

In 1846 Kelvin refused Lyell assumption because he reasoned the heat to another assumption that earth originally molten

By using the rate of cooling of the earth backward to a time when the earth was molten, Kelvin thought that the total age of the earth is between 20-30MY

Chamberlin Dating

In 1899 Chamberlin challenged Kelvin assumption that the earth had begun as a molten body

Chamberlin introduced new hypothesis that planets formed by the accretion, or collecting together, of cold, solid chunks mater

So earth must have heated up sometime after its initial formation via some internal process quite independent of solar heat


Scriptures → 6000yr old

Buffon → 75,000yr old

Hutton, Lyell →>> 75,000yr

C. Darwin → millions of years “evolution”

British geologist →preambrian 75 MY, based on average rate of sedimentation

Joly → 100MY “accumulation rate of salt”

19th, Most geologists → several hundred MY

Kelvin → 20-30MY “cooling rate of the earth”


Important Terms

Radioactivity: elements changing into other by emitting charged particles (Spontaneous changes in structure of atomic nuclei)

Isotopes: elements have the same atomic number & almost same chemical properties, but atomic weight are different (designated by Mass Number)

Atomic Number: number of proton

Mass Number: number of the total sum of neutrons & protons, written at the top left of the chemical symbol

Parent isotopes: isotopes with unstable nuclei, & undergo spontaneous changes until a permanent, stable configuration is reached

Daughter isotopes: isotopes with stable configuration nuclei

Radioactive decay: process of change Parent to Daughter isotope

Dating: determining the ratio of parent to daughter atoms & calculating a mineral’s age by multiplying by decay rate of the parent & This leads to half-time units

half-time time required for one-half of the parent isotope in a sample to decay


discovered by Henri Becquerel & Curies in 1896, by the films story

2 unknown elements were soon discovered (Radium & Polonium) which form from U by changes in the atomic nucleus that involve unknown types of radiation & This lead to the Isotope definition

Radioactive decay

results in one or more of 3 types of Emissions from the nucleus at a fixed average rate characteristic of any isotope

The Emission types
1. Alpha rays: helium nucleus (He+2e-)
2. Beta rays: free electrons (e-)
3. Gamma rays: similar to X rays

The radioactive decay types
1. α-emission: emission α-particle, 2p⁺+2n±
2. β-emission: e- ejected from the nucleus
3. Electron capture: e- captured by nucleus (combines with p⁺ to form n±)

RA-decay can be written like reaction
Unstability Isotope→ Stability Isotopes
Parent → Daughter + (α, β, γ, e) + heat

Emissions result in increasing or decreasing of the number of the neutrons
Ex. U238 decay α particles He, this reduce the neutrons & protons 2 of each, the resulting isotope has amass number 234 (Thorium)
a. α-emission
b. β-emission
c. Electron capture
Decay history of the U238-series
Rates of decay vary from less than 1second (Polonium214) to 1,622yr (radium226)

First Dating of Minerals

In 1902, Rutherford & Soddy stated: total emission activity was proportional to number of unstable parent atoms

Based on this statement:
1. the emission decrease regularly which can be expressed mathematically
2. the progressive accumulation of daughter isotopes might provide basis for the numerical measurement of geologic time
1905, Boltwood proved that: Lead was among the disintegration products of U, & in 1907, calculated the ages of minerals from their lead-uranium ratio

Dating of Minerals

time of the crystallization of a mineral dated by isotopes (not the time of origin of isotope in the universe, which was earlier than origin of the earth), such as the time of incorporation of unstable isotope into that mineral

When mineral crystallized, a closed chemical system was formed such that any daughter product then present in the mineral was formed only from the decay of the original parent isotope therein
Decay of radioactive isotope within a mineral
the effect of metamorphism in redistributing daughter isotopes (circles) in a rock that:
1. crystallized originally 1000MY ago
2. after 500MY, some parent isotopes (dots) in a feldspar crystal had decayed
3. metamorphism 480MY ago drove daughter atoms out of crystals, & they retained in the surrounding rocks
4. present dating of the feldspar would reveal the metamorphic events whereas a total-rock date would reveal original crystallization 1,000MY ago

Accuracy of Isotopic Dates

There is several factors limit the accuracy of isotopic dates:
1. The statistical nature of decay even under the best conditions, only average decay rates are determinable (introduces uncertainty)
2. uncertainty originates in the laboratory analyses of the isotope ratios: mass spectrometer provides the most sensitive analyses of isotope abundance, with from ±0.2 to ±2.0% accuracy possible

Isotopic Time Scale

the bulk of isotopic dating has been confined to igneous or metamorphic rocks, Because most datable minerals containing radioactive elements originate in such rocks

Dating sedimentary rocks by isotopes: date of crystallization of the minerals in parent rocks prior to erosion, transportation & deposition in a sediment

Direct isotopic dates of sedimentary rocks are possible for only a few minerals that:
1. contain unstable species
2. crystallize in depositional environment
– Ex. Gluconite contain K40, so the Mineral can be dated by the K-Ar method

Because most dating must be done on igneous or metamorphic rocks, it necessary to relate such ages indirectly to the relative time scale in order to establish a numerical scale

the basic principles of stratigraphy come into play, especially when:
1. A volcanic rock interstratified within fossiliferous sediments
2. An intrusive igneous body cut or lay the sedimentary strata

Using radioactivity in dating importance of radiometric dating
– Allows us to calibrate geologic timescale
– Determines geologic history
– Confirms idea: geologic time is immense
granite is post “Ordovician & predevonian” thus is of silurian age
A date for it establishes the Silurian Period as about 425MY old
The date for a lava flow within the old red sandstone establishes that part of the Devonian Period is about 370MY old
This is the rock with the oldest known minerals ever found
the rock (conglomerate) is 3Ga & contains detrital grains of zircon (mineral formed in granite in crust) that is 4.4Ga
Age of the Earth is 4.54Ga

radiocarbon dating

Is the Dating with carbon-14 (¹⁴C)
Half-life of ¹⁴C = 5730yr
Used to date very young rocks
¹⁴C is produced in upper atmosphere
Useful tool for geologists who study very recent Earth history

The End

Stratigraphy & Historical Geology

Online Quiz

Stratigraphy & Historical Geology

Important concepts

Stratigraphy: the study of stratified rocks, their nature, occurrence, classification, & relationships to each other

Historical Geology: the study of the history of the earth

Historical Geology includes stratigraphy
History of The Relative Geologic Time scale

How geologic mapping in Europe led to the relative time scale

1. by the principle of superposition
2. by the principle of fossil correlation
Standard Geologic Column as conceived
Based on the Neptunism theory
Present level → Alluvial rocks or Tertiary
3rd level → Secondary rocks
2nd level → Transition rocks
1st level →Primitive or Primary rocks

After publication of Smith’s & Cuvier’s geological maps in the 1800s, the case was:

Wernerian Chronology continued to used
استمر استخدام التسلسل الزمني
Local names of strata became more numerous
اصبحت الاسماء المحلية للطبقات اكثر عددا
Naming of distinctive rock bodies was a natural by product of mining & mapping
كانت تسمية الاجسام الصخرية المميزة امرا طبيعيا بالتعدين والخرائط
Names developed as shorthand & reflected geographic localities or rock types
تم تطوير الاسماء بطريقة مختصرة وتعكس هذه الاسماء المواقع الجغرافية وانواع الصخور
these names was extended more widely as a result of the lateral continuity
تم تعميم هذه الاسماء على نطاق اوسع
At the same time fossils were being collected & widely separated strata were correlated
بنفس الوقت جُمعت الاحافير، وربُط طبقات منفصلة بالمقارنة
The result Geological map of all western Europe gradually developed
النتيجة: تطورت الخريطة الجيولوجية لاوروبا الغربية تدريجيا


A group of secondary strata (named for the Jura mountains of France & Switzerland)

When superposition principle applied, the Jura were found to overlie another group:
1. Trias in Germany
2. Cretaceous in France 
3. Carboniferous coal-bearing strata, Britian

in 1829 the name Quaternary was proposed to include the young deposits

This scheme displaced the older Wernerian scheme

Modern Relative Time Scale

In 1835 Sedgwick & Murchison named
1. Cambrian (roman name of Wales)
2. Silurian (for an ancient welsh tribe)
3. Devonian: Based on the correlations & fossils content they defined the relative age of Devonshire strata (between Silurian & Carboniferous)

Sedgwick proposed a large division which include smaller subdivisions (such as Paleozoic Era)
Mesozoic & Cenozoic Eras named Based on relative percentages of living species
The Permian Period was named next
 Relations of the non-marine Old Red Sandstone facies of Wales to marine

Devonian facies of Devonshire
Inter-tonguing of marine & non-marine deposits proved the Devonian age of the Old Red Sandstone
These facies also proved that different environments of deposition existd

abstract geological time & rock record

There is a clear distinctions between the abstract geological time & rock record by: time is continuous, but rock record is riddled with unconformities of varying magnitude

So what we known of history must be gleaned from the imperfect rock record

If elsewhere a more complete sequence of Cambrian rocks were found with fewer & smaller unconformities & more fossils, it might provide a better world standard of reference than does that of Wales, Thus, what we have are time & rock divisions
The most generally accepted stratigraphic classification scheme

The Formation

Important stratigraphical terms

Arranged from the largest to smallest
Group: rock unit consisting of more than one formations that are next to each other in a succession & related to each other
Formation: distinctive series of strata that originated through same formative processes, is the most basic local units of stratigrphy
Member: a part of a formation
Bed or strata: sedimentary rocks layer that is marked off above & bellow by surfaces that can be seen & made up of material that is the same in all parts
Lamina: thin layer (<10mm) in sedimentary, separated from material above & bellow it

Formation must be

distinctive in appearance in order to be easily recognizable

named for type locality where they normally displayed in well-exposed type section

Characteristics chosen to define a formation include one or more of the following (Lithology)

1. Composition of mineral grains
2. Color
3. Textural properties (Ex. size of grain)
4. Thickness & geometry of stratification
5. Character of any organic remains
6. Outcrop character

– Formation include > one stratum
– Group contains > one Formations

Problems arise when a new formation defined

1. The name
2. The type section
3. Designation of lower & upper limits
4. formations might vary in sediment type, or lithology, laterally or vertically, depending on deposit environments

formations might vary

The stratigraphic divisions being named in Europe were universally present & of the same age worldwide

In another word as long the geologist found the same fossils in different & far stratified rocks they assigned the same age for both of them (Ex. the Cambrian strata in Wales)

This mean that Geologist thought that any named formation should laterally extend without change

This principle was the cornerstone of Werner’s time scale

In 1789 French writings show that: similarity of fossils in similar sedimentary rocks might reflect environmental factors rather than strict age equivalence

the sedimentary products of each environment have aunique characteristics, even though they accumulate at the same time & grade gradually into one another

The result in other words is: formations might vary in sediment type, or lithology, laterally as well as vertically

The last result was supported by sedgwick & Murchison in the 1830s

sedgwick & Murchison determined that the dominantly non- marine deposits of the Old Red sandstone of Wales are Synchronous with marine Devonian deposits farther south based on the intertonguing interpretation

inter-tonguing: 2 different lithologies can grade laterally into one another in complex manner
Depositional Environment & Sedimentary Facies The lateral changes of lithology & fossils contents brings the sedimentary facies concept after a well-exposed example of lateral changes of both lithology & fossils was described in 1883 in Switzerland 

Sedimentary Facies

characters of a sedimentary rock, especially those that indicate the deposition environment
– Facies identified by their dominant lithology
– the study of sediments & organisms in modern environments provides important clues for understanding ancient facies, Because the facies concept relates sediments to their depositional environments

The sedimentary environment

The conditions under sediment deposited
– affect texture, composition, & structure of sediments
– for example
1. The depth & temperature of the water
2. The strength & direction of the currents
Facies identified by dominant lithology
Ex. sand & mud facies
Coarser sediments occur in strongly agitated, near shore environments.

Bottom-dwelling organisms in the different environments differ considerably.

The upper surface of the diagram is a map of modern bottom-sediment types showing lateral variations only at a moment in time.

Sides are cross sections showing facies relationships through time.
The ripple marks forming in modern environment
Straight, sharp, symmetrical ripple crests are typical of those formed by waves in shallow water
Mountain building disturbed the NW margin of Europe during the Silurian & Devonian time, whereas the region to the SE remained more stable

This is reflected by:
1. More & greater unconformities in W
2. Coarse & thick non-marine sediments in W
3. Finer & more marine deposits in E
4. Erosion of the Caledonian Mountains shed immense volumes of coarse debris eastward, greatest thicknesses are nearest mountains
The longest gap due to erosion also is nearest the mountains
uplift of the mountains was spasmodic, for a major unconformity divides the Old Red Sandstone at the left & of the section

Preservation of large volumes of most strata requires one or both of following conditions

Subsidence of earth crust during deposition

a rise of sea level

2 types of facies patterns

1. Transgressive facies pattern
2. Regressive facies pattern


the advance of the sea over the land
reflect shrinkage of land area
– preceded by an erosional unconformity
– show landward shift of facies via time
– tend to become finer upward at any one geographic locality
caused a continuous shift of environments & their sedimentary & biological products landward
the submergence is due to both worldwide rise of sea level & local land subsidence


retreat of the sea from land area, it has the opposite effects than of Transgression
– reflect enlargement of land area
– followed by an erosional unconformity
– show seaward shift of facies through time
– tend to become coarser upward at any locality
results from
1. relative fall of sea level
2. rise of land level

Walther’s law

Vertical progression of facies will be the same as corresponding lateral facies changes

result of this fact Environments shifts position through geologic time & the respective sedimentary facies of adjacent environments succeed one another in vertical sequences

1. in TFP, just as the sequence becomes finer upward, the finer facies also spreads laterally in the direction of transgression
2. just as a regressive sequence becomes coarser upward, coarser facies also spreads laterally in the direction of regression

Local Versus Worldwide

Sea level changes may result from:
1. fluctuating continental glaciation
2. large-scale warping of deep ocean basins

– such as Netherlands & California
Netherlands Low & flat land, would be covered with water or drained very widely by only a slight relative change of sea level, whereas a bold coastline such as that of California would be little affected

Rapid Sedimentation

Very rapid sedimentation result from:
1. uplift of a distant inland area
2. climatic change that accelerates erosion

The above factors cause
1. local seaward retreat of shoreline independent of structural warping of crust
2. worldwide changes of sea level
the delta of Tigris-Euphrates which a retreat of the northern shore of the Gulf of Arabia from the land toward the gulf as much as 175km in the past 3000yr even as sea level has risen about 4m worldwide
Biostratigraphic Concepts

Fossil zone

An interval of strata characterized by a distinctive index fossil

Close attention must be paid to overlapping stratigraphic ranges of index fossils

Both range & abundance of a single species vary from place to place

Environmental changes may have been more rapid than evolutionary ones

Lithologic formation boundaries need not have any relationship to the biostratigraphic boundaries of fossil zones
The Lingula in the sand facies evolved very slowly, it is a poor index fossil, it migrated with the sandy environment without any biological change after millions of years

Cephalopods are swimming forms found in the muddy facies. They evolved rapidly, therefore, their species are admirable index fossils for times 1,2 & 3

Facies fossils

fossil type which restricted to lithology

Bottom dwelling organisms tend to be restricted to one facies, so they aren’t recommended as index fossils for facies correlation
The best index fossil for facies are those that lived independent of bottom environment where sediments form, they should be floating or swimming organisms
Fossil zone B represents the ideal case of an index fossil that occurs in 2 different facies

Many facies-dependent fossils are useful environmental indicators for the sediments in which they occur

Formation 3 is synchronous everywhere, 1 & 2 vary in age due to lateral facies changes
Un conformities

Un conformities

Traced & mapped to established their physical continuity

Studied from the standpoint of age such as unconformity surface varies in age from place to place

The total time interval represented by the discontinuity may vary greatly

An unconformity may even disappear laterally into a continuous, unbroken, or conformable sequence of strata, this means unconformities show lateral & vertical differences as important as of rock units

Types of Unconformities

Angular unconformity: there is angle of discordance between older& younger strata
– This type shows that severe deformation occurred before unconformity was buried

Disconformity: no discordance between strata below & above discontinuity surface

Nonconformity: when the underlying rocks are igneous or metamorphic

Unconformity-Bounded Sequences

new way of studying stratigraphic record & formed additional type of stratigraphic division
– suggested by Sloss In the 1950
6 major unconformities clearly punctuate the phanerozoic record in very meaningful way

From the unconformities a worldwide sea level fluctuation curve for the past 600 m.ys has been inferred

Additional Relative Time Scales

Index fossils aren’t only things that provide worldwide, synchronous punctuations of the rock record with potential for correlating & subdividing that record

There are some alternatives that provides relative-age scales with special applications:
1.The sequence unconformities which reflect the global sea- level changes
2. Worldwide magnetic polarity reversals
3. Chemical analyses for rare or trace elements & isotopes in sedimentary rocks also provide potential for relative geochemical time scales

The End

Geologic Time & Earth History

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Geologic Time & Earth History

Important Terms

Relative: Know Order of Events But Not Dates, Such as Bedrock Formed Before The Glaciers Came

Relative age dates: placing rocks & geologic events in their proper sequence

Absolute or Numerical: Know Order & Dates of events

Absolute or Numerical dates: termed absolute age dating, actual age of geologic events

2 Conceptions of History

– earth history dominated by violent events
– As.: great effects require great causes
– Catastrophes do happen but uncommon

Uniformitarianism earth history dominated by small-scale events typical of the present 
– Assumption: we can use cause & effect to determine causes of the past events

principles of relative dating

– Developed by Nicolaus Steno in 1669
1. Superposition Law: In undeformed sequence of sedimentary or volcanic rocks, the oldest rocks at base; & youngest at top

2. Principle of original horizontality: Layers of sediment deposited horizontally
– flat strata not disturbed by folding or faulting

3. Cross-Cutting Relationship Principle Younger features cut older once
الصخور الاحدث بالاعلى والاقدم بالاسفل
الاحدث يقطع الاقدم (القاطع احدث من المقطوع)
Cross-Cutting Relationship


Matching strata of similar ages in different regions

Principle of fossil (or faunal): Correlation relies upon fossils
succession fossil organisms succeed one another in a recognizable order, thus any time period is defined by the type of fossils in it
يتم تحديد الفترات الزمنية بحسب نوع الاحافير الموجودة بالطبقات لانها عاشت بفترة واحدة


loss (or break) of the rock record

produced by erosion & nondeposition

Types of unconformities

Angular unconformity
tilted rocks overlain by flat-lying rocks
– between 2 sequences of sedimentary rocks

strata on either side of the unconformity are parallel (but time is lost)
– between 2 sequences of sedimentary rocks

Nonconformity (basement)
sedimentary rocks deposited above metamorphic or igneous rocks
– between sedimentary rocks (above) & non-sedimentary rocks (below)
Formation of an angular unconformity
deposition horizontal strata → folding & uplifting → Erosion → subsidence, deposition
Development of a Nonconformity
Dating sediments without fossils

The geologic time scale

Is the calendar of Earth history, Subdivides geologic history into units, Originally created using relative dates

Structure of the geologic time scale:
– Era subdivision of an eon & subdivided into periods, Periods subdivided into epochs…atc

Eras of Phanerozoic eon:
1. Cenozoic (recent life)
2. Mesozoic (middle life)
3. Paleozoic (ancient life)

Precambrian time
– 4BY prior to Cambrian period
– Not divided into small time units because the events aren’t known in detail
– Immense space of time (Earth is ≈ 4.5BY)
Introduction to Radioactive Decay
A. Neutron capture
B. Beta emission
Radiometric Dating: Half-Life
Radiometric Dating
U-Pb decay curve
How much of the daughter element is remaining after 4 half lives?
What is the age of the sample?

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