Geologic Time & Earth History

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Geologic Time & Earth History

Important Terms

Relative: Know Order of Events But Not Dates, Such as Bedrock Formed Before The Glaciers Came

Relative age dates: placing rocks & geologic events in their proper sequence

Absolute or Numerical: Know Order & Dates of events

Absolute or Numerical dates: termed absolute age dating, actual age of geologic events

2 Conceptions of History

– earth history dominated by violent events
– As.: great effects require great causes
– Catastrophes do happen but uncommon

Uniformitarianism earth history dominated by small-scale events typical of the present 
– Assumption: we can use cause & effect to determine causes of the past events

principles of relative dating

– Developed by Nicolaus Steno in 1669
1. Superposition Law: In undeformed sequence of sedimentary or volcanic rocks, the oldest rocks at base; & youngest at top

2. Principle of original horizontality: Layers of sediment deposited horizontally
– flat strata not disturbed by folding or faulting

3. Cross-Cutting Relationship Principle Younger features cut older once
الصخور الاحدث بالاعلى والاقدم بالاسفل
الاحدث يقطع الاقدم (القاطع احدث من المقطوع)
Cross-Cutting Relationship


Matching strata of similar ages in different regions

Principle of fossil (or faunal): Correlation relies upon fossils
succession fossil organisms succeed one another in a recognizable order, thus any time period is defined by the type of fossils in it
يتم تحديد الفترات الزمنية بحسب نوع الاحافير الموجودة بالطبقات لانها عاشت بفترة واحدة


loss (or break) of the rock record

produced by erosion & nondeposition

Types of unconformities

Angular unconformity
tilted rocks overlain by flat-lying rocks
– between 2 sequences of sedimentary rocks

strata on either side of the unconformity are parallel (but time is lost)
– between 2 sequences of sedimentary rocks

Nonconformity (basement)
sedimentary rocks deposited above metamorphic or igneous rocks
– between sedimentary rocks (above) & non-sedimentary rocks (below)
Formation of an angular unconformity
deposition horizontal strata → folding & uplifting → Erosion → subsidence, deposition
Development of a Nonconformity
Dating sediments without fossils

The geologic time scale

Is the calendar of Earth history, Subdivides geologic history into units, Originally created using relative dates

Structure of the geologic time scale:
– Era subdivision of an eon & subdivided into periods, Periods subdivided into epochs…atc

Eras of Phanerozoic eon:
1. Cenozoic (recent life)
2. Mesozoic (middle life)
3. Paleozoic (ancient life)

Precambrian time
– 4BY prior to Cambrian period
– Not divided into small time units because the events aren’t known in detail
– Immense space of time (Earth is ≈ 4.5BY)
Introduction to Radioactive Decay
A. Neutron capture
B. Beta emission
Radiometric Dating: Half-Life
Radiometric Dating
U-Pb decay curve
How much of the daughter element is remaining after 4 half lives?
What is the age of the sample?

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